mobile +39 379 293 5202 (whatsapp call or message) or home number +39 075 5454 588

About us

We are Ronnie en Bianca

Our dream started the moment we met.

We both already had a backpack with a past and child/children, so you already know a bit better what you want and don’t want anymore.

We became a blended family just like so many others. And you immediately get into a flow of work, children to school, obligations etc.

After hours of long conversations and nice chats and a lot of fantasizing, 1 dream came true that we both wanted.

We wanted to go abroad and Italy was immediately at the top of the list!

We had never been there before, but the country attracted us both so much. The culture, the food, the beautiful landscape, the people, way of life.

But as a blended family that is not possible so we decided to postpone this dream until the children were old enough.

In 2016 a beautiful house to renovate came our way. Our dream was taking shape, we bought an old ‘ruin’, are going to completely renovate this building and live in it until the children are old enough.

Then we are going to sell it and we want to buy something back in Italy, preferably 2 houses on a nice piece of land or a farm where a B&B can be made.

We fully involved the children in this and thought it was a super cool plan. One shouted then I have a holiday address because I am staying in the Netherlands, the other shouted I am coming along and so the ideas exchanged between them, but all options were open and they knew that.

Due to various events, we made the decision earlier and told the family in September 2021 that we were going to put our house up for sale. The children all made their own choices and we were going to do that now too. Kevin had already shouted from the beginning I am going along, I want to go into automotive engineering in Italy. He emigrated to Italy with us. After that things went fast!


Life is too short to wait to follow your dreams.

In December 2021 we bought an incredibly beautiful estate and at the end of April 2022 we received the key to make our dream come true. If you would like to follow us, you can do so via Facebook or Instagram under the name: Casa Biron or keep an eye on the website!!

Who knows, we might meet in Italy at our own place in beautiful Pietralunga in the Umbria region?